Applicant Organisation:
Encsi Váci Mihály Gimnázium és Kollégium / HUNGARY

Our school is situated in the town of Encs. Our students come from the surrounding 50 settlements as well. It is our great responsibility and a challenge to influence the view and raise the interest and awareness of our students to global issues such as climate change. It is our aim to make them interested in and open to the world. These intentions have motivated us to apply for the grant. However our first and foremost task is to prepare our students for the school leaving exams that enable them to continue their studies in higher education or learn a trade in adult education. Besides the classical curricula,we organise trips, home and abroad, bring culture and sport possibilities onto the premises in forms of presentations, lectures, theatre plays, work shops and competitions. We invite colleges and universities to present their institutions. We also invite representatives from the civil world in order to give career advice and tips to the students.We intend to give them future plans

In our organization we have 300 students in regular 4 form education and a small class in 6 form. We have 304 students aged 12- 19 and 30 teachers. Our institution works in one of the most disadvantaged areas in Hungary. 11 of the students are disadvantaged, 55 of them are over disadvantaged. 8 students have learning difficulties. About 30% of the students are from the Roma minority. A significant number of our students face the consequences of unemployment, low standards of living and no hope for a better future. We still have however students who have better backgrounds and they are motivated to learn languages and do well in school. As we have these two sides, we aim to involve the less advantaged students into school life and create equal opportunities for everybody to study and make a change in their and in their families' lives. So we offer all our programmes to everybody equally and always look for grants that could remove differences among students and strengthen equality

Educational Center for Environment and Sustainability of Karpenisi / GREECE

The Educational Center for Environment and Sustainability (ECES) of Karpenisi is an educational organization. It was founded in 2006 by the Greek Ministry of Education and it is one out of the 58 that operate today in Greece. Although it is an official public educational structure it is offering activities outside formal education and training that encourage, foster and facilitate students, teachers and  also people’s active participation in Environmental Education and Sustainability.

The actions develop about Education within the Environment with a focus on the natural and human environment with emphasis on the child-centered dimension of the teaching.

Our main activities are: 

1. To provide environmental education and education towards sustainability to the educational community by conducting dailies or multi dailies programs

2. To organize open seminars for Teachers and Public for Environmental Education and Awareness

3. To coordinate and support environmental networks

Hamza Yerlikaya Ortaokulu / TURKEY

Hamza Yerlikaya Ortaokulu offers secondary education to the students in the age range of 10-14 in the middle Anatolian  city-Sivas. In our school there are 1 principal, 2 deputy principals, 42 teachers and 600 students. Our school is a newly-opened school in 2019. 

This new school gives secondary education since previous school building continues as primary school. Therefore our teachers and students in our previous school have started education in the new building.

Our school has refugee students from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. In addition, we have students with special learning difficulties, low income, early school leaving risk, health problems and low academic achievement. Supportive and Inclusive activities are implemented for these disadvantaged students in our school. In Erasmus + and eTwinning projects, our students with fewer opportunities have priority as a target group.