Project Activities
Student Workshop In Encs/HUNGARY
08.07.2024 - 13.07.2024
08.07.2024 - 13.07.2024
Erasmus+ Mobility Press Release
In the period from Monday 8 to Saturday 13 July 2024, mobility took place in the city of Encs, Hungary within the framework of the Erasmus+ program "Climate Ambassadors in Action" with program number 2023-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-000154521, with the participation of Educators and Students from Hungary, Turkey and Greece.
The theme of the program is to increase the knowledge of the Participating Students and Teachers about the causes and consequences of climate change, the possibility of developing a positive attitude towards the issue and supporting the EU climate policy.
In the mobility that took place in Hungary, the implemented actions were: Visit to the School, Meet the Principal, the Teachers and the Students – Familiarization games – Information about the school and the Hungarian educational system – Presentation about water and climate change: The case of the Tisza artificial lake for water management and flood control - Visit to the Lázbérc dam and the water purification and supply plant for 100,000 consumers - Visit to the Uppony canal - Visit to the MIREHU NGO in Miskolc, which manages and recycles waste of the region – Visit to a model beekeeping unit in Vizsoly – Visit to the historic medieval castle Boldogkői Vár – Visit to the largest freshwater aquarium in Hungary at Lake Tisza – Symbolic tree planting - Dissemination of the program in local Media.
The Participants had the opportunity to come into direct contact both with the subject and with the special Nature, History and People of Hungary, a flat and green country in Central Europe and to know the kindness, generosity and hospitality of the people.
Climate Ambassadors In Action
Erasmus+ Project-Activity in Encs/HUNGARY
Dissemination Video
Erasmus+ Project-Activity in Encs/HUNGARY
Dissemination Video